Business mentoring for your invisible illness business

Boost visibility, refine your marketing, and grow your impact.

Jennifer Smallridge has been to burnout and back, which led her to grow this business from a tiny seed of an idea.
Invisibly Brilliant has now sprouted into a fully fledged clinic, all designed to strike the ideal work-life balance that she was always seeking. This allows client-facing work to remain extremely dynamic and rewarding, whilst also spending time each week on the actual running of the business using systems and processes that work for her.

If you are a healthcare professional ready to…

- Clarify your brand purpose, values, and audience within the chronic illness niche

- Build an authentic, recognisable brand with messaging that resonates

- Create a solid marketing foundation using social media, email funnels, and organic strategies

- Develop engaging, valuable content that connects with your audience and fosters community

- Refine your products or services to align with your audience’s unique needs

- Scale your reach through strategic partnerships, presentations and networking opportunities.

- Work in a sustainable, steady and well paced manner to ensure that you can look after yourself and your community

Join Visible and build a sustainable business that truly connects with the chronic illness community.

Visible is currently conducted in a 1:1 hourly mentoring format over Zoom, at a frequency that suits you. Each session is $220.00 inc GST.

There are no contracts, no ongoing commitment required, just good old-fashioned connection over our shared desire to have an impact in this beautiful area of work.

To book, click the button below, select “Visible”, and you’ll be sent an intake form shortly after from Halaxy.
Any questions? Email