illuminating care


invisible illnesses

Hi! I’m Jennifer, and I’m an exercise physiologist who helps people to untangle the complex nature of chronic illness.

You might have landed here because your health professional told you about me, or a friend, or you saw my name pop up in a Facebook support group. Welcome! And please know that you’re not alone.

The people I love to help have a lot in common:

  • Unpredictable levels of function - able to do something one day, and feeling completely spent the next

  • Unpleasant, and at times intolerable bodily sensations - fatigue, pain which moves around the body, gut issues, dizziness, headaches, muscle weakness

  • Post-exertional malaise - flu-like symptoms, or symptom exacerbation, after physical, cognitive or emotional exertion

  • Brain fog - difficulty finding words, memory issues, difficulty concentrating, losing track of time

  • Excessive and enduring sympathetic nervous system activation - feeling tired but wired, tachycardic, in ‘survival mode’

  • This may have come on suddenly after a virus, illness, infection or surgery, or may have crept up gradually over time

  • More often than not, there is neurodivergence present, or a deep suspicion that this is adding to the puzzle

Does this sound like you?

Diagnostic labels can be tricky in this space, and are definitely not a prerequisite to seeing me.
However, you may have been diagnosed with, or suspect that you have:

  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)/Dysautonomia

  • Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS)

  • Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD)

  • Long Covid

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Functional Neurological Disorder

  • Chronic pain

Are you ready to rediscover your brilliance?

About Jennifer Smallridge
Founder, Accredited Exercise Physiologist

  • 10+ years specialised experience supporting those with chronic, complex invisible illness under ongoing professional mentorship

  • Further training completed in chronic pain, mindfulness, therapeutic yoga, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

  • Academic lecturer and professional speaker

  • Member of the Australian EDS & HSD Network of Excellence

  • Co-founder of Connection Medicine Co., providing health professional education on all things chronic invisible illness

Working with me

Whilst I am an Exercise Physiologist, exercise is not the cornerstone of the care I provide, although it may feature.

I consider myself more of a Chronic Illness Coach/Care Coordinator, placing you as the rightful expert of your health and self.

I am here to hear your story, provide practical support, cheer you on, and connect you with other appropriate healthcare professionals if required.

Support from me might look like:

  • In-depth pacing skills and guidance - this might utilise an activity & symptom diary, or biofeedback such as a wearable activity & HR tracker (Garmin, Fitbit, Apple Watch etc).

  • Using this information to identify clear symptom triggers, and provide strategies to reduce or modify them

  • Debriefing on symptom flare ups, PEM and general stressors related to living with invisible illness

  • Future planning and goal setting through a self-compassionate, realistic lens

  • Identifying an approach to rest and relaxation to suit your unique nervous system, lifestyle and health needs

  • Advocacy and education around yourself and your health condition in the context of work, school, family, healthcare teams

  • If appropriate and desired, working together on an exercise program, including guidance on when to step it up and when to pull back

The finer details

Sessions occur over Zoom, with 60 minutes allocated for the initial appointment, and 30 or 60 minute options available for subsequent sessions.

Your chosen payment method will be securely stored via Halaxy for efficient billing at the end of each session, and a receipt will be emailed for you.

I am able to provide a Medicare rebate if your GP includes me on your Chronic Disease Management Plan (emailed to

I have the capacity to see NDIS self-managed and plan managed participants under the ‘Health & Wellbeing’ and ‘Improved Daily Living’ categories.

Safe, accessible healthcare with your whole self in mind

I know that seeking help can be hard, and often leads to spending more spoons than you have.

My commitment to providing an invisible illness friendly service includes:

  • Offering breaks during your session to ensure that it is manageable

  • Providing the opportunity for you to send your notes and updates in between sessions

  • Keeping up to date with the latest research when it comes to invisible illnesses

  • The ability to modify your own appointments via the online booking system - no questions asked

  • Working in a neurodiversity affirming, HAES (Health At Every Size), trauma informed and gender affirming way

  • Providing culturally safe and sensitive healthcare, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

  • Obtaining your consent to communicate with other members of your healthcare team, and giving you the opportunity to be part of that conversation

  • Practicing in line with the 2021 NICE Guidelines for ME/CFS, particularly when it comes to exercise

  • Options for audio-only consultations to reduce stimulation

  • Sending you the focus points of each session to reduce cognitive overload (hello brain fog!)

  • Being open and receptive to feedback

  • If I am unsure of something, going away to do the research and sharing with you what I find, and knowing my professional limitations

“I’m here to get it right, not to be right.” - Brene Brown

My philosophy

The word ‘brilliant’ in my business name is by design:
you can see the word ‘ill’ buried in there, but with enough letters surrounding it, it takes on a whole new meaning.

I’ve never met a person with invisible illness who wasn’t bright minded, big hearted and beautiful.

Brilliance is also a word associated with diamonds - inherently strong by nature, emerging from pressure, and when cared for, able to reflect the light shone upon them.

Sound familiar?